Whether you’re 15 or 90 years old, there are many ways you can share your time and talents with the residents at Samaritan Bethany. We appreciate and value our volunteers!
Volunteer Opportunities
Some of the many possible ways to volunteer include:
- Arts and Crafts – assist with craft projects
- Mending – help with minor sewing repairs on residents’ clothing
- Outings – accompany groups on outings in the community
- Pet Therapy Visits – put a smile on residents’ faces when you bring in your trained pet
- Music – share your musical talents
- Resident Companion – make a new friend with a Samaritan Bethany resident
- Church Volunteer – help get residents to Sunday church service in our Chapel
- Manicures and Tea on Friday mornings
- Gift Shop – help with making the Samaritan Bethany Auxiliary a fun shopping experience by assisting in selling merchandise
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ronnie Robertson, Volunteer Coordinator, at 507-289-4031 or rrobertson@samaritanbethany.com. The application process will include an interview and a mandatory background check. We look forward to talking with you.
Samaritan Bethany Auxiliary
The Samaritan Bethany Auxiliary is a group of volunteers who manage the gift shop for residents and staff. They are a very active part of Samaritan Bethany. All profits benefit the residents of Samaritan Bethany and Arbor Terrace. The group meets once a month. If you are interested in joining or learning more about the Samaritan Bethany Auxiliary, please contact Ronnie Robertson at 507-289-4031 or rrobertson@samaritanbethany.com.
Some examples of the invaluable items purchased by the Samaritan Bethany Auxiliary for the residents at Samaritan Bethany include electric beds, resident lift aids, physical therapy equipment, TVs for each household and many more items.
Why Be a Volunteer?
It’s not for the money. It’s not for the fame.
It’s not for the personal gain.
It’s just for the love of fellow man.
It’s just to lend a helping hand.
It’s just to give a tithe of self,
that’s something you can’t buy with wealth.
It’s not the medals won with pride.
It’s not for that feeling deep inside.
It’s that reward down in your heart.
It’s feeling that you’ve been a part of
helping others far and near that
makes a wonderful volunteer.
— Author unknown